
Dr Josephine Tsang Picture 1 cropped.jpg

Josephine Tsang

Moving from Hong Kong to Provost, Alberta on her own at age 13, Josephine has had a chance at a life of endless opportunities. The Provost community pulled together like members of an extended family to help Josephine thrive and succeed. The way Provost pulled together for Josephine is how she wants to make sure everyone in Canada, no matter from where or how they became Canadians, have the opportunity to achieve their hopes and dreams.

Josephine is passionate about changing peoples’ lives through meaningful conversations and experiences about social equity, sustainability, collaborative innovation, and a hopeful future. Her work in the not-for-profit sector has catalyzed fruitful dialogues about building a more resilient, optimistic yet pragmatic possibilities of what a future Alberta can be. An eager builder of engaged communities, Josephine believes in integrating inquisitiveness and empathy to foster partnerships that powerfully scale collective efforts and impacts.

Currently, she and her team members at Calgary Chinese Community Service Association (CCCSA) continue to inspire and help create a vibrant and integrative community.